Part 36: Mission 14 (Japan Route) - The Black Executor - Part 2
The game tells you to kill Riku, but you can also wait 4 turns and the plot will carry on regardless. That said, if you want his Skill Part, youll have to beat him before then; its not too difficult, though, because Emi and Saya both have decent morale and can support one another.

Linebarrel Override (Emi Kizaki)
Pilot Skills:
Prevail L2
Support Attack L1
Support Defense L1
Spirit Commands:
Mech Features:
10% HP regen
Override activates at 130 morale, granting a chance to outright dodge any incoming attack (calculated by the difference between pilot and targets skill stat max of 40%). Also allows unit to teleport instead of moving on the map, negating any EN cost or rough terrain.
Squad Bonus: Melee weapons power +100, Mobility +5 (Melee weapons +200, Mobility +20, S in Air, Range +1)
Emis voice actress: Mamiko Noto (other roles: Suzuka in Endless Frontier, Lunar in Zero Escape, Oichi in Sengoku Basara and a billion more)
Emis a pretty good pilot overall, having stats pretty much around Kouichis level her evasion is WAY higher and her melee is somewhat lower, though. The Linebarrel Override loses the Executor shots meaning its range has gone down some (best now is 1-4, her weakest move), but, in exchange, lets Emi use the powerful Override attack and skill.
Emis D-S.O.I.L. rate also has a lower baseline than Kouichis, but getting a clean hit on her isnt easy especially with that S in air.
Seeing how our morales already good-ish and we have a limit of two turns, well immediately set our sights on Riku and just let the mooks crash against our girls.
SRW UX - Linebarrel

: Reality exceeds my imagination?! What a load of bull! My imagination always,

: Your imagination is a delusion, nothing more
and you have no hope of defeating us!
SRW UX - Shadows that Rend Darkness

: To fight is to etch the death
the pain you cause on others into your heart.

: Someone who cannot even imagine that pain doesnt deserve to be in any battlefield!

: Hmph, what a windbag! And hows anyone supposed to fight if they start fussing over stuff like that?! No, thanks!

: Then it falls on me to etch the pain of those whose lives you stole into your heart
Actually, no Ill etch your
own pain there!
So fast forward a couple of turns and hes gone.
SRW UX - Linebarrel

Downing Riku gets you a Kyushu Castella Cake.

: Waaaaaagh!

: Youve lost. Now lay down your weapons and surrender!

: H-Hmph! You actually think you beat me?!

: Energy coefficients spiking! His
His units powered up?!

: Eeeheeeheee
! Take a look at the Yaoyorozus full power! My imaginationll always get the better of you!

: More reinforcements

: Now lets hear you scream! Ill enjoy watching you two plummet into despair!

: Wh-Whaat?!

: Its
the Elshank?!

: All troops, deploy!

: We got here in the nick of time
! But what is that black Linebarrel

: Well, I dont think it has a Phase Shift to lose, so
maybe its a Mk. II?

: Is it you in there, Hayase?!

: No
Emi Kizaki is piloting that Linebarrel.

: Come again?! Its Emi?!

: Ill explain things later, everyone, but we must first stop the Katou Organization

: Yeah, were on it! They got a lot to answer for after pulling a stunt as cheap as kidnapping you two!

: Your mission parameters have shifted from rescuing the hostages to eliminating the enemy units
Can you do this, Kazuki, Koyo?

: Enemy units
but arent there people aboard those things?!

: If youre not up for it, then back off. Im going in!

: (Koyo

: Your target is the enemy command unit! Eliminate them with haste, troops!
Rikus, indeed, gained a slight boost to his mechs stats but nothing major. Taking him downll end the mission so, if youre keeping this path, youll want to take out all other mooks before going for him.
I wont, though, so Ill just kill enough to build morale and then get rid of Piggles there.
SRW UX - Tales of Mirisha ~ The Brave Legend
SRW UX - Future-Bound Fighting Spirit

: I chose to be here precisely to put down monsters like you

: And, right now, I think I absolutely made the right decision!

: Unfortunately, no, it was the wrong one. And why was that? Because you couldnt imagine the future where you die at my hands!
SRW UX - Shangri-La

: Theres a person piloting that unit! Hell die if I shoot it down!

: Calm down, Kazuki! Just make sure you dont hit the cockpit directly and the pilotll be fine!

: Whether they keep their lives or not depends entirely on your ability!

: Thats easier said than done
Im not that good a pilot!
SRW UX - Love Survivor
SRW UX - Tales of Mirisha ~ The Brave Legend
SRW UX - Linebarrel

: The Yaoyorozus way more agile than it looks
Im not letting you tag me!

: You got a real big mouth, guy! But you better not sell the Deceive short!

: Thats right. Underestimate us and it wont end well for you!
SRW UX - Shangri-La

: Hmm, Ive never seen this mech before
Oh, well! It doesnt really matter since it, and your future, will be in pieces very soon!

: How
How can you take other peoples lives so easily?!
SRW UX - Love Survivor

: Kidnapping girls is about one of the lowest things you can do!

: Theres no such thing when it comes to fighting! All you got are different options with which to get what you want!

: Hah, works for me! Then I reckon you wont mind if I dont worry about how much thisll hurt you!
Koyo also has a line against the generics and one against Riku himself:
SRW UX - Shangri-La

: (Fighting people in order to save people
I need to take someones life in order to save anothers

: Your thoughts are in disarray, Koyo. Dont think about unessential matters.

: Unessential
?! Thats what you call worrying about peoples lives, Soushi?!

: Taking hostages, wrecking a city
but Im putting an end to your rampage right now!

: Ooh, look at how much he huffs and puffs. Ive got a future filled with despair with your name on it!
SRW UX - Linebarrel

: You fancy yourself some knight in shining armor, coming in to rescue the captive princess?

: Not at all. Im here simply to rain on your parade.
SRW UX - Tales of Mirisha ~ The Brave Legend

: There is no imagination at work here! All I see in your actions is the base destruction youre causing!

: Im just opening the eyes of the foolish masses! Cant you wrap your head around that?!

: How can you destroy so many lives without even batting an eye

: Oh, and how am I any different from you? How many lives did you take during that war, hm?

: I never killed anyone just for the hell of it, though! Someone like you could never wrap his rotten head around the pain that comes from battle!
And, finally, heres Emis best trick.

: A-A-Aaaiiieee
! S-Someone help me please

: Haah, haah

: The life of a man like you
is not
worth taking

: Rrgh

: Huh? What happened? The Linebarrels just turned white again

: Its

: (Haah, haah
I knew it
continuous teleportation is just too straining

: Yee?! Its shut down?! Then
theres my chance!

: Yeeheeheeeheeee! Now! Come on out!

: What?!
Riku backs away.*

: Howd you like that? I bet none of you imagined this, eh?! You always have to keep one last ace up your sleeve for


: Wh-What the?! Werent they on the same side

: They may be up to something! Do not approach them carelessly!

: Hrgh
Th-This cant be
! Wh-Why did you

: Hey, there, Riku!

: Sawatari

: Kid, whoever told you to kidnap those girls, hm?

: You got your imagination all wrong. Worse, thats becoming a problem for our Organizations goals.

: B-But

: So Hisataka told me if you went and stepped over the line... then Id have to kill you.

: N-No way
! The commander
Mr. Katou said

: And I got a message from him

: Youre not the one with the most insight into imagination. And the reason for that is simple: you do not imagine yourself dying.

: Gch



: They retreated

: W-Wait, hold on
! There was someone inside that robot, wasnt there?!

: How could they kill him that easily
? Werent they allies, even?!

: Those were our enemies, and thats how they operate; theyll do anything if it suits their purposes

: B-But thats

: Horrible? Unacceptable? If you feel that way, then fight them with everything youve got. Fight and keep the lives of those you care about safe from them


: Those I care about

: Looks like its all over, Hayase!

: Sure, but
whats going on? Whats the Linebarrel doing here?!


: Hayase, hold on! Thats

: I called and I called and you didnt show up, and now I find you here?! Why?! Answer me, Linebarrel!

: Hey, look, the hatch is open!



: N-No way
! What
Hows Kizaki piloting the Linebarrel?!

: Kch

: What is it?!


: Thats it
I remember now
! I remember where I met her before


: That day
three years ago
The last thing I saw before I died

: It was you, Kizaki
you were inside the Linebarrels cockpit!



: Something wrong, Kazuki?

: Mr. Asuka
No, its just that
so much has happened so fast

: I cant help but wonder that I mightve been better off not knowing anything if things were going to get like this

: I see
but tell me something. Had you never found out about anything, what do you think youd be doing?

: Well
Im pretty sure Id still be at the island, working on graduating. And, then

: And then the people of ALVIS wouldve told you about the islands secrets anyway.


: One way or another, you wouldve wound up in the same place. The only difference would be whether you got there sooner or later. And, in that case, I think the better option is the one where you learned the truth of your own volition.

: My own volition

: Now, I really dont like the word Destiny, but
if anything, we should at least try to choose what our destinyll be, right?

: No matter how much hardship said destiny might have in store, what lets people keep on living despite everything is the fact that they
chose their path in life

: Mr. Asuka
Cut to JUDA, Kouichi isnt going to give Emi grief for keeping tabs on him, but her keeping quiet about being the Linebarrels Factor is a wholly different matter.
But even worse than that is the fact that you were aboard the Linebarrel when I died! You might as well have killed me with your own hands! Kouichi yells and Emis taken aback. Kizaki, you
youre despicable
Ishigami speaks up and says hes entitled to be angry, and asks that Emi give them the room. As she leaves, Ishigami promises to tell him everything he knows.
By the hangar, Shizunas a bit miffed that Domyoji got brought over to JUDA; from what Lu Xun was told, it was his due to exigent circumstances and his duty as part of the Hayase Corps? But more important than that is how we now have a Machina with two pilots. Mike and Damian dont see the big deal, pointing out that the Deceive has both twins aboard, right?
Sure, but the Deceive is only a two-seater due to a unique system JUDA had to put together for it. Furthermore, a Machina comporting two people and outright have two FACTORS are completely different matters. Curious and curiouser.
Maki reports that tests have confirmed that Emi is, without a doubt, a Factor of the Linebarrel
but it seems the bot itself is rejecting her. Or perhaps a better way to put it would be that the Linebarrel is trying to keep her from fighting. Thats the impression I got, Maki corrects himself.
Zhou Yu asks if he means the Linebarrel has a mind of its own, but, unfortunately, this is all speculation. They still dont understand the cause, but its for that reason that she wasnt able to pilot the Linebarrel for long.
Rennie figures thats why she, albeit clearly reluctantly, had to let Kouichi take over as the Machinas pilot. Maybe but, as Joe points out, her killing Kouichi back then is a wholly different issue here. But Moritsugu steps in: No, Emi Kizaki was not the one responsible for killing Kouichi Hayase. Its true that she was aboard the Linebarrel at the time of his death, but that had absolutely nothing to do with her.

: Nothing to do with her
?! But she!

: She was asleep, inside the Linebarrel, throughout the whole incident.

: When she came to, shed lost practically all her memories

: Her memories

: She didnt understand what was going on at the time she couldnt. But when she saw you dying, she, in tears, begged the Linebarrel to save you. And, so, you were reborn as a Factor


: What the hell
all the secrets youve been keeping, and you still figured youd keep quiet about
the most important thing?

: But, from what you guys said, if your life is connected to the Linebarrel

: Then so is Kizakis life, since shes also the things Factor, yeah?

: Huh

: Meaning, if you keep on fighting with the Linebarrel, youd also be keeping her life safe, aint that right?


: Its just as he said, Hayase. Emi Kizakis life has been in your hands from the moment you became a Factor.

: Her
Her life is in my hands

: (Im despicable
? I suppose I am

: Kizaki

: Hayase

: Mr. Ishigami told me pretty much everything, so
Listen, Im sorry for what I said back there
I shouldnt have called you that

: Id no idea I was responsible for your life
I risked the Linebarrel so many times

: You dont owe me any apologies. Im the one who kept quiet about everything it was easier for me that way.

: But

: I
I was afraid that youd walk out on me if I told you

: I cant pilot the Linebarrel for long periods of time, so I wouldnt be able to survive this battle by myself


: And, yet, all this time I just looked at you with cold, uncaring eyes. Id been judging whether you were suitable to be entrusted with my life...

: But Im not in any position to judge you, not after what happened
Still, I
I cant ask this of anyone but you

: Kizaki

: Hayase

: Please
Please protect me!



: I wont put you in a position where you have to pilot the Linebarrel again

: Rather, I promise Ill learn to handle the Linebarrel even better than you
! I

: I
will protect you!



: Okay
And back to ALVIS, Yumikos a bit surprised at how quickly the UX and JUDA fielded the kids. From what Kariya sees, the Siegfried System terminal is doing just fine this just greatly expanded the Fafners range of operations. Regardless, they left the Fafners in our care, so we can deploy the bots at our discretion.
A more urgent matter, Makabe reminds them, is relocating Tatsumiya immediately, while the Federation isnt trying anything. Hazama reports that while there arent any issues with the system itself, Kariya did find something a bit worrying in the path they were going to take.
She puts it up on screen: they found an island three hundred and fifty kilometers due north of their current location. It seems to be uninhabited but it looks just like Tatsumiya. As Makabe knows, their island wasnt the only one made for the Arcadian Project, though none of the participants were allowed access to information regarding the other islands.
But why is it uninhabited? Maybe it was abandoned halfway through the project, or maybe something happened that killed all its people. We need to figure out whats what, which means getting a team sent in to investigate. Makabe orders Soushi contacted and an urgent recall order sent to the Fafners. Whatever could be up with this other Tatsumiya?